Board Members

The Board is comprised of private citizens who possess a proven track record of sound judgment and business acumen in leading or governing large, complex public sector or private sector corporations or organizations and/or a wealth of top-level, global business or academic experience in the areas of executive management, corporate governance, audit and finance, human resources, economics, technology, or healthcare.

Members are appointed by the Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary for a term of 1 - 4 years serving as special government employees (SGE).  However, Member appointments must be recertified annually to continue serving on the Board.  Board Members volunteer their time to work on various subcommittees (task groups) on studies/issues requested by the Secretary or Deputy Secretary.

The Secretary of Defense has directed a zero-based review of all DoD Advisory Committees.  All current members appointed or those pending appointment to the Defense Business Board have concluded their service.
Until the conclusion of the zero-based review, all DoD advisory committee and board (including the Defense Business Board) operations are suspended.